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2.1 Services

Via Control panel -> Games -> Services

What do they do?

Services can be used for different purposes on the platform. A service has to be created in order to add games, as each game is played via a different platform (PSN, Steam, Nintendo,...) or service provider (Steam, Games,..). Service integrations (Twitch, Facebook, Google,...) allow users to connect their accounts to the platform via 'social logins'.

Soft VS Fully integrated services.

Some services are fully integrated while others are considered a soft integration.

Fully integrated services (Ex: Steam) redirect users to the service’s login application, offering direct connection from the service to the platform.

A soft integration of a service is different in that it’s not directly connected to the platform. Playstation Network, for example, does not allow full integrations. In this case we can add it as a service, as a soft integration. Users can enter their PSN name when linking a PSN game. Instead of actually connecting the PSN name to the platform, the PSN name is merely used as a legitimation. The user doesn’t actually login with their external PSN account, only the name is being used.

List of fully integrated services.

  • Steam

  • Facebook

  • Google

  • Discord

  • Twitch

Entering these specific names as a service will automatically trigger the fully integrated service, no additional setup is required.

How to add a new service to your platform?

To add a service to your platform, click the ‘+Add service’ button

Name: Enter the name of the service you wish to add.

Link: Enter the link of the service. This should be the code which is displayed in the web address upon entering the webpage of your account on the standalone service. Depending on the profile URL’s of the external service you’ll have to add id/name


Max. linked games: the amount of game accounts a user can link to the platform via the service, usually only one game will be linked. A maximum of three games can be linked per service.

Refreshable: When enabled allows the linked service to be updated automatically. (Only relevant for fully integrated services)

Changeable:  Same as refreshable but only for soft integrated services. When the service is linked, allows the user to change the linked account afterwards.

Unique: When enabled, all usernames from the service should be unique.

Searchable: When using the general search bar, the names from the accounts on this service will show up.

Image: To display an image of the service, drag and drop your image file in this field.

When the new service is added to the list, editing an existing service will allow some other options:

Days between changes: refers to the ‘Changeable’ option, determines the amount of days after which you are allowed to change the linked account.

Inactive: When enabled, this will make your existing service inactive. It will then be displayed in the inactive list.

A users’ point of view

Users can add and edit anything ‘service’ related from their profile page. Before any games can be linked, it’s required to have a complete implementation of the necessary service for said game, either . More information on how this can be done, can be found here

Some services offer automatic implementation of their functionality on the platform:

  • Steam

Note: these need to be spelled correctly in order for them to guarantee a successful implementation.

In the user profile, in the settings section, you can find an overview of the linked services.

This overview can be found by clicking on the Integrations tab on the left side of the screen, as displayed here:

If you engaged the ‘changeable’ feature, you can change your account name by clicking the pencil icon.

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