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8. User registration

This part of the control panel helps you set up the possible ways how new users can register for your platform.

Via Control panel -> User registration


Determine the information a user needs to submit to log in to the platform.

Enable reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA is a free service that protects your website from spam and abuse

When enabled, this will force the user to identify as a legitimate, human user by completing the reCAPTCHA procedure

Login - allow login by email

If disabled only login with username is allowed

Allows logging in to the platform by using your email address. When disabled only allows logging in by using your username

Login - allow login by username

If disabled only login with email is allowed

Allows logging in to the platform by using your username. When disabled only allows logging in by using your email address.


Set up the login/registration section users see upon entering the platform.


  • Title: enter text to welcome visitors to the platform

  • Content: add some additional information about the title field.

  • Logo: upload the logo of your brand

  • Background: upload a background to go along with your logo


Welcome image: displays your image of choice upon logging in to the platform

Registration Fields

  • Mandatory registration fields: these fields are considered mandatory to register on the platform - email address, username, password.

  • Other registration fields: optional registration fields to provide extra information upon registration.


Requires an address (street, number, postal code, city) at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional.


Requires a birthdate at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional


Requires a country at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional.

Email address

Requires an email address at registration

First name

Requires a first name at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional.


Requires a language at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional.

Last name

Requires a last name at registration

  • Toggle as ‘required’ to make this parameter required instead of optional.


Requires a password at registration.


Requires a username at registration.

Social login

Integrating Facebook and Google sign-in features to the platform

Facebook app ID

Insert app ID for the Facebook app. Create the key and add it to the field

Facebook app Token

To construct the token; insert app ID, followed by ‘|’, insert token code

Google ClientID

Insert the Google login app for your browser. Create the key and add it to the field.

Google ClientID Android

Insert the Google login app for your Android device. Create the key and add it to the field.

Google ClientID IOS

Insert the Google login app for your Apple device. Create the key and add it to the field

Social login 

Enables login with Facebook & Google

Twitch ClientID

Insert the Twitch login app

Custom registration fields

Adds additional information fields of your choice upon registration.

Click the ‘+ Add question’ button:

Type: Select the type of question

  • Yes/no question: a question to which the answer is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

  • Textual answer: a question to which the answer is a certain word (or multiple words).

  • Numerical answer: a question to which the answer is a number.

  • Dropdown answer: a question to which the answer can be selected from a dropdown menu.

Note: this option requires a CSV file containing the possible answers to be uploaded

Question: Submit the question the user should answer here.

Required: determine whether this question is optional or mandatory.


Set up the general settings and requirements for the registration process.

Enable two-factor authentication

If switched on, users will be forced to confirm their email address before given access to the platform.

Image in email confirmation dialogue

Image that will appear on the email confirmation dialog.

Drop an image of your choice in this field to display as the confirmation dialogue.

Link games after registration

If enabled, users get a popup triggering them to link games after completing their registration.

User registration, user flow

In this part of the manual we’ll show you the process a new user will have to go through in order to have a successful registration on the platform. The information which the user will have to submit is determined by how the user registration is set up. More information on this can be found here.

The homepage

When entering the platform you’ll arrive upon the homepage. This is the starting ground from where you can register. How this homepage looks like, is determined by the setup. More information on this can be found here.

Ex: the homepage before the registration process

Press the ‘Register’ button, the following window will appear:


Submit your email-address to confirm your registration


Determine your username; unique and at least four characters long


Determine your password; at least 8 characters long, at least one number, at least one lower case letter, at least one upper case letter.

Confirm password

Repeat the password from above, exactly.

Click the ‘next step’ button. Depending on how you set up the user registration process, you’ll have to provide some more personal information. Which can look something like this:

After filling out all the required fields, a final window will appear. Once more asking for some personal information and requires you to:

  • Agree to the privacy policy and the terms and conditions of the platform

  • Agree or disagree that the platform may inform you about promotions and special actions of the host

  • Agree or disagree that the platform may inform you about promotions and special actions of 3rd parties.

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