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3.10 Leagues

Leagues are based on the Scrim game mode, more information on how to set up a Scrim game mode can be found here.

They offer a whole new range of flexibility in terms of timeframe and functionality of the platform. Leagues are often set up to last for an extended period of time in which players can compete with each other. A league is always connected to a leaderboard, and winning league matches allows you to progress further on the leaderboard. Based on your position on the leaderboard and the payout model you selected in the setup, you’ll receive your prizes accordingly.

Before you can join a league, it’s required for you to link your game to the platform.

In order to play a scrim match, it’s required to match with an opponent. There’s two ways that assist you in the matchmaking process.

Queue alert: Click the ‘Queue alert’ button, this alerts you with a notification whenever other players are interested in playing a match in this particular league. However, this won’t start the matchmaking process.

The notification will look like this:

Challenge an opponent: Click the icon to challenge an opponent of your choice. The following screen should appear:

Type in the name of an opponent of your choice, allowing you to pick a moment to start a duel:

  • Now

  • At a future date

Next up, pick the league in which you want to compete:

The opponent of your choice will receive a notification and a private message about the challenge:

When you click the notification, the following screen will appear:

Accepting the challenge will automatically lead you to the match screen.

When the opponent accepts the challenge, the challenger will receive the following notification in the match segment of the menu bar:

Once again, redirecting you to the match screen.

Game fuel: Fuel is used as a set limitation to the number of ranked games you can play in a league. When your fuel is depleted, you are still able to play matches in the league but the result of these matches won’t affect your ranking anymore.

The battery icon is divided into 5 parts, each part of the battery refers to one ranked match. More information on how to set up game fuel, can be found here.

Play now: Click the ‘Play now’ button. This puts you in the matchmaking process. Another player will also be required to press this button. The following screen will appear:

Whenever a match between players is found, the following screen will appear:

After checking in, the match chat window will appear, along with all the other functionalities:

  • Enter score

  • Create a ticket

  • Read the rules

  • Forfeit

Enter score

To submit the score of a match, both players are required to select the same participant as a winner

Submit a ticket

Click the button to submit a ticket. More information on submitting tickets and other support functionalities can be found here.

Read the rules

Click the button to read the rules of the tournament

Forfeit match

Click the icon to forfeit a match. Different from the tournament matches, this will result in the following screen:

End results

When the scrim is played and both players submitted their scores, the ‘Standings’ screen should look something like this:

League standings after scrim match

The amount of points each player receives, directly affects the ranking of the leaderboard that was connected to the league during the set up. More information on leaderboards can be found here.

League leaderboard

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