3.1 General
In this part of the manual, we will take a closer look at the tournaments from a participants’ perspective. This is a very important part of setting up a user-friendly platform for all of your users.
In the following examples we will be impersonating a user, who will participate in a number of tournaments for each game mode:
Single elimination
Double elimination
1 VS Many
Swiss game mode
Round robin
Round robin + single elimination
Round robin + double elimination
Ex: How to impersonate a user
From now on we will only have accessibility to the platform like any other regular user.
The user wants to play a FIFA tournament, after linking the game, he signs up for the tournament. Depending on how you set up the menu bar, the tournaments can easily be found:
Ex: Tournaments on the menu bar
In the Tournaments menu, you can find an overview of all the current and past tournaments.
Ex: Tournaments overview
You can filter through different tournaments per game by clicking the game icons right below the menu bar:
Ex: Game icons
Invite friends
You can invite any number of friends you want, to join you in the tournament. You can do this by clicking the ‘invite friends’ button in the general submenu of the tournament.
Fill in the name of a friend you want to add to the tournament.
Sign up
When signing up for a tournament, you’ll receive a notification whenever the tournament check in starts. You can do this by pressing the ‘sign up’ button in the general submenu of the tournament.
When you have signed up for a tournament, the player will be labeled as ‘interested’, as shown below in the screenshot of the tournament overview:
After signing up, you can confirm your participation in the tournament by checking in, at least half an hour before the tournament actually starts. In the example below, the tournament starts at 13:58. This means that the check in opens at 13:28
When the Check-in timer is activated, press the ‘Join Tournament’ button:
Select the account with which you want to join the tournament:
When you are successfully checked in, the general tab of the tournament should look like this:
(Note: the icon is only visible for moderators)
When clicking the ‘Participants’ tab you can find an overview of all the participants that checked in:
Now we have to wait until the first game is supposed to start, after which the ‘Brackets’ and Match’ and ‘Results’ tabs will appear in the top bar.
In the ‘Rules’ tab of the tournament screen, there’s two blocks in which information can be submitted. The first block is usually used for specific information regarding the gamemode and the game itself. The second block usually lends itself to general rules on the platform.
Both content blocks can be set up using the markdown method by clicking the pencil icon.
Below are the rules listed for a CS:GO Tournament in a Single Elimination tournament:
In the second block, we can find the general rules for the use of the platform.:
Embed Youtube videos in the rules section
It’s possible to embed Youtube videos within the rules section of a gamemode or within the general rules section. This can be done as you would embed a video in composer text block.
Click the pencil icon in the 'Rules' section of a tournament or edit the rules of a gamemode via the gamemode overview panel. The text input screen should appear:

Now copy the embed code of the Youtube video by right-clicking the video display frame:

Paste the embed link in the text input screen:

Delete the iframe content in the embed and add the embed prefix ‘/i/’, resulting in this:

You have now succesfully added a Youtube video to the Rules section:

Enter scores
Click on the ‘Match’ tab, the following screen will appear:
Ex: The match screen
In this screen you’ll be placed in direct contact with your opponent, allowing you to communicate with each other via the match chat. To determine the score of the match you just played, click the ‘Enter score’ button.
The following screen will appear:
Every player in the match will need to acknowledge that the winning player won the round, in this case both ‘Absorbed Tree’ and ‘Somber need’ will need to submit the same answer.
When the score has been submitted by one of the players the following notification will pop up:
When both players acknowledge a different winner, there will be a ‘conflict’, as displayed in the match chat:
There are a few different possibility in this case:
Submit the scores again until they’re correct
Create a ticket
If the scores are giving in correctly the following screen will appear:
Give your opponent a review after the match.
Submit a ticket
Click the button to submit a ticket. More information on submitting tickets and other support functionalities can be found here.
Read the rules
Click the button to read the rules of the tournament
Forfeit match
Click the icon to forfeit a match, either:
Forfeit the single match or
Forfeit for the entire tournament
Ex: The ‘pick a winner’ window
In this window, both players will need to acknowledge the actual winner of the match. Only when there’s a matching result, meaning both players assign the same player as the winning player, then the result will be valid.
Buy-in tournaments
A new feature allowing tournaments with a buy-in amount of a certain currency. Every player has to hand in the same amount of currency in order to participate in the tournament. When the tournament is finished and the results are known, players will receive an amount of currency back according to their final result and position in the tournament.
The buy-in feature distinguishes itself from the regular prizepool system. Instead of letting the platform bank provide the payout, the payout sum is collected from the players. An application fee from the players is asked in order to participate in the tournament, this is called a ‘buy-in’. The sum of all player’s fees will then be divided and rewarded accordingly to the calculation model of your choice (linear, equal, etc.).
Note: A fixed percentage of the buy-in prizepool will be redirected to the platform at the end of the tournament.
When you create or edit the tournament, toggle on the ‘buy-in’ feature. The following screen should appear:

Determine the amount, currency, and pay-out model (linear or equal).
The buy-in tournament will be displayed on the tournament overview page like this:

On the general tab in the tournament, the following section will be visible: