22.1 Payment Integrations
Payment integrations allow for direct purchases of platform services, currencies, products, etc. by setting up API connections of certain payment providers directly to the platform.
Strivecloud supports a multitude of these payment providers. As of now, there are payment integrations possible with Mollie, Stripe, Tangerine, CCV, and Fortuno.
Mollie is a popular upcoming online payment provider which provides its service to most European countries. Their API integrations offer easy-to-use payment solutions for digital purchases.
Via Control Panel → Integrations → Payment → Mollie

Activate Mollie as a payment provider in the control panel.
Submit Mollie’s API key to integrate the payment module on the platform.
Note: This API key will be provided to you by Mollie whenever you have made an official purchase of a Mollie service, via the Mollie dashboard.
Stripe is a payment integration for webshops all over the world. A great solution for optimizing your shop on the platform! Allowing safe and easy transactions for your products.
Via Control Panel → Integrations → Payment → Stripe

Activate Stripe as a payment provider in the control panel.
Activate and submit Stripe’s API key to integrate the payment module on the platform.
API public key: the common API key needed to perform the integration of Stripe services on the platform.
API secret key: this key is used to authenticate payment requests, used to perform an API request without any restrictions.
More information about Stripe’s API keys, can be found here.
Tangerine is an online banking tool that differentiates itself from other online banking software by cutting ties with expensive branches by providing better interest rates with fairly priced fees.
With the Tangerine integration, users with a Tangerine account are able to use their savings on said account to perform purchases on the platform.
Via Control Panel → Integrations → Payment → Tangerine

Activate Stripe as a payment provider in the control panel.
Submit the name of the merchant.
Enter the API password provided by Tangerine
Enter the API resource key provided by Tangerine
Enter the API username.
Enter the encryption code for safe use with a secret key for data encryption.
Enter the encription key provided by Tangerine.
Tangerin API public key: the common API key needed to perform the integration of Tangerine services on the platform.
CCV offers convenience in online payments and transactions for businesses. Your own webshop applications can be directly connected to the platform shop.
Via Control Panel → Integrations → Payment → CCV

Activate CCV as a payment provider in the control panel.
Submit CCV’s API key to integrate the payment module on the platform.
Note: This API key will be provided to you by CCV whenever you have made an official purchase of a CCV service.
Fortumo is a monetization platform with some interesting applications specifically aimed at online gaming. They provide carrier billing & mobile wallets for gamers. Integrated once, it can accept over 300 different local payment methods.
Via Control Panel → Integrations → Payment → Fortumo

Activate Fortumo as a payment provider in the control panel.