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2.12 Scores for matches

Some games have a need for a more nuanced scoring system. For these games, we have developed our ‘scores for matches' system. After a round or match has been played, the user is prompted to submit multiple score parameters in order to determine a winner. This can be done during the setup of the game mode.

Via → Control Panel → Games → Game modes

When setting up the game mode, enable the ‘Configuration for score 1’ toggle. This will allow you to determine the specific type of score that you want to track in order to determine a winner.

  • Name: submit a name which applies to your type of score.

  • Description: provide some information about this type of score for the user.

Measurement types: Scores can be expressed in two different ways. In points or in percentages. Points are expressed in ‘Number’. Percentages in ‘Percentage’.

Logic types: Which type of score you want to set up can differ in value, based on the logic of the score for a certain game.

  • Highest wins

  • Lowest wins

Display types: the number of particular wins can be displayed in a number ways as a grand total which will grant you the win.

  • Average

  • Maximum

  • Minimum

  • Sum

Besides adding more specifications to your score, you can also provide the need for multiple scores to be submitted in order to declare a winner after a match. In order to do so, enable the ‘Configuration for score 2’ toggle. This can be done any number of times.

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