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19.1 Scratchcards & Wheel Of Fortune

Strivecloud software aims to increase user engagement in a number of different ways. Scratchcards and our Wheel Of Fortune feature are a great way to increase user engagement and interaction by presenting them with a fun way of distributing a certain type of reward amongst the user base.

Both of these features are two different sides to the same coin. In which we use two different ways to lead to the same result: rewarding players.


Via Control Panel → User Loyalty → Activation → Scratch cards

Click the ‘+ Add Scratchcard’:

The following screen will appear:

  • Name: Give the scratchcard a name.

  • Claim button text: submit the text you want to display in order to claim the scratchcard reward.

  • Rewards: select the type of rewards you want to hand out to the users and the amount of that reward type. You can add multiple types of rewards by clicking ‘+' icon, or remove them again by clicking the '-’ icon.

    (Experience, currency or product)

  • Probability: submit the chance a user has to win this type of reward .

After the set up you will see an overview of the rewards you have set up for the scratchcard and their probablity.

Click ‘Submit’ if you agree with this setup.

After the setup, click the three dots in the scratchcard overview in the control panel:

  • Edit: submit some changes to the scratchcard settings

  • Delete: delete the scratchcard

  • View rewards: an overview of which users won which prizes presented in the scratchcard

  • Reward someone: manually distribute the scratchcard to a user.

Reward someone

When manually rewarding someone, first search for the user you want to reward.

The chosen user will see the scratchcard pop-up on their screen.

Wheel of fortune

Via Control Panel → User Loyalty → Activation → Wheel of Fortune

Click the ‘+Add Wheel of Fortune’ button:

The following screen will appear:

  • Name: Give the wheel of fortune a name.

  • Claim button text: select which type of roulette you want to use.

    Standard: the most basic variety of a roulette.
    Composer: a type of roulette adjusted to be displayed in a composer block on a page with some added features.

Standard roulette

  • Rewards: select the type of rewards you want to hand out to the users and the amount of that reward type. You can add multiple types of rewards by clicking ‘+' icon, or remove them again by clicking the '-’ icon.

    (Experience, currency or product)

  • Probability: submit the chance a user has to win this type of reward .

After the set up you will see an overview of the rewards you have set up for the wheel of fortune and their probablity.

Click ‘Submit’ if you agree with this setup.


Enable the toggle to determine whether or not you want to provide a buy-in for the wheel of fortune.

  • Buy-in currency: Select which currency you want to use for the buy-in.

  • Buy-in amount: Select the amount of the required currency to use for the buy-in.

  • Max. participations: Set a limitation to the amount of times a user can spin the wheel. Leave empty for an infinite amount of times.

  • Rewards: select the type of rewards you want to hand out to the users and the amount of that reward type. You can add multiple types of rewards by clicking ‘+' icon, or remove them again by clicking the '-’ icon.

    (Experience, currency or product)

  • Probability: submit the chance a user has to win this type of reward .

After the set up you will see an overview of the rewards you have set up for the wheel of fortune and their probablity.

Click ‘Submit’ if you agree with this setup.

After the setup, click the three dots in the scratchcard overview in the control panel:

  • Edit: submit some changes to the wheel of fortune settings

  • Copy: make a copy of the wheel of fortune.

  • Delete: delete the wheel of fortune.

  • View rewards: an overview of which users won which prizes presented in the wheel of fortune.

  • Reward someone: manually distribute the wheel of fortune to a user.

Reward someone

When manually rewarding someone, first search for the user you want to reward.

Note: this can only be done with a standard wheel of fortune.

The chosen user will see the wheel of fortune pop-up on their screen.

The chosen user will see the scratchcard pop-up on their screen.

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