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16. Mailing & Push notifications


The platform offers an integrated mailing service to reach out to your entire userbase via mail. Here you can create mail templates and add filters to target specific platform users.

Via Control Panel → Mailing → New

New mail template

You can create a mail template consisting of a subject, a header, the main paragraph and a footer.


Give the mail a subject.


The actual content of the mail, including header, main paragraph and footer.

Call to action

Include a button with a link and some text to incite a call to action from the user.

Send preview

Submit a mail adress and click the ‘Send preview’ button, to send an example of the template

Filter recipients

Set up the user base filter to target specific platform users.


Selecting certain games in this filter will only address the users that have linked the game to their account.


Selecting certain brands in this filter will only address the users that are following the selected brands.


Select users of a certain age group.


Select users that a speak a certain language.


Select users from a certain a country.

Current reach

Displays the amount of users have received this mail template.

Saved templates

The mail templates you have created will be displayed in an overview over here.

Hovering over a template will allow you to either plan the mail or delete the template.

To plan the mail click ‘clock’ icon, the following screen will appear:

Submit a date and time to plan this mail.

System emails

System emails are default mail templates provided by the Strivecloud Development team. These emails are automatically sent to the users upon certain occassions.

Email settings

You can set up additional settings for the mailing service.

Email address

Set the platform’s email address from which all marketing and system mails will be sent.

Email banner

Upload an image to set a visual header for the emails.

Push notifications

Push notifications are notifications that pop up to inform users about certain events or occurrences. These will be displayed in the notifications tab, by clicking the ‘bell’ icon on the menu bar.

New push notification

You can set up these push notifications yourself from the control panel.
Via Control Panel → Push notifications → New

The following screen will appear:


Give the notification a subject/title.


The actual content of message of the notification


Include a URL link.


Include the URL link of an app.

Notification icon

Upload an icon to display along with the notification when it pops up.

Send to

Determine whether the notification is visible for app, desktop and/or tablet users.

Filter recipients

Set up the user base filter to target specific platform users.


Selecting certain games in this filter will only address the users that have linked the game to their account.


Selecting certain brands in this filter will only address the users that are following the selected brands.


Select users of a certain age group.


Select users that a speak a certain language.


Select users from a certain a country.

Current reach

Displays the number of users that have received this notification.

System notifications

System notifications are default notification templates provided by the Strivecloud Development team. These templates are automatically sent to the users on certain occasions.

Push notification settings

You can set up additional settings for the notifications.

Notification Icon

Upload an icon to serve as the default notification visual.

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